Who is Jesus?

Jesus appeared on the earth just over 2000 years ago. He was a real person, a prominent figure in history who made such an impact on the world that our whole dating system is structured around his birth. Have you ever seriously considered who Jesus is? Many people would say that he was the best person whoever lived. Some believe he was a wise religious teacher or prophet, others lay claim that he was the Son of God. Sadly others deny his very existence.


Doctors, tax collectors, fishermen, philosophers, historians and Jewish religious leaders who actually lived in Jesus time all profess the truth that Jesus was a real man who lived in Israel around 2000 years ago. While the Bible is seen as the main source of information, a number of other writings have been found to confirm the life of Jesus. Many of these authors were not supporters or followers of Jesus but historians who simply recorded the fact that a man called Jesus performed extraordinary miracles and as a result a movement known as “Christianity” emerged that would affect the whole world.


Jesus claimed to be more than a man: he also claimed to be God. The writers of the New Testament, almost all of which knew Jesus personally, saw first hand both the amazing miracles he performed and heard the wisdom of his teaching.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus is called the “Word” and is declared to be God from the beginning and the creator of all. John 1:1-3

Later Jesus gave himself the name “I AM” which was one of the names of God revealed in the Old Testament. When he said this, the religious leaders of the day wanted to immediately kill him as they believed his claim was blasphemous against God and their laws. This bold declaration by Jesus was the main accusation the Jews and Romans sentenced him to be crucified. John 10:25-33; Exodus 3:14

A blind man who had been healed by Jesus worshiped him as God. John 9:35-39

A Leper was healed by Jesus and worshiped him as God. Matthew 8:2

Jesus disciples worshiped him and declared him to be “the Son of God” Matthew 14:33

Jesus had power over the elements:
He walked on water
He calmed raging storms
He miraculously multiplied food
He said he had the power to forgive sins

On one occasion many witnesses saw and heard the heaven opens and an invisible voice proclaim “this is my beloved son, in who I am well pleased” (could this have been God himself speaking?)

This man Jesus, in just three short years did things that no other man had ever done before. He healed every disease and sickness, opened blind eyes and deaf ears, he even raised people from the dead.

Eventually though the religious leaders of the day became jealous and had put him to death by Roman crucifixion on a rough wooden cross. Even then he proved he was no ordinary man. Three days after his death he arose from  the grave and during the next 40 days was seen by over 500 people. No ordinary man could do these things.

So who was Jesus?  He was more than just a good man, he was none other than the Son of God.


God made man for fellowship, he wanted to be in a loving, caring relationship with the pinnacle of his creation. For that relationship to be maintained with a God who is totally perfect, pure and holy, required man to also be perfect, pure and holy, anything less would become a hindrance and barrier to their friendship. God made man perfect and eternal, he made Adam, the first man and gave him a free will to decide his own future, but that future was dependent upon his submission and obedience to God his creator. Sadly Adam chose to disobey God and in so doing broke that loving relationship, this one act infected the entire human race with a spiritual disease God calls ‘sin’

“for all have sinned, (all mankind – every person) and have fallen short (lost his relationship) of God’s glory” (God’s original plan for man)
Romans 3:23

“the penalty for sin is death” (which is eternal separation from God)
Romans 6:23

The tragedy is that disobedience has affected us all, we are all guilty, tainted by sin. The cost is both spiritual and physical death, eternal separation from God.

Because God is holy and righteous, he cannot let sin go unpunished, there are universal laws of justice that must be adhered to. The penalty for sin is death, mankind must die! The only alternative is for someone, a man who is perfect, a man untainted by sins disease to die on behalf of all men. No such man could be found on earth. Therefore God sent a perfect being, his own son in the form of a man. That man was Jesus Christ.

“for God so loved the world that he gave his own Son, so that all who believe in him would not die, but have eternal life”
John 3:16

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8

Jesus died to pay sins penalty on our behalf.

He died so our relationship with God could be restored. That relationship releases us into eternal life.

“the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ”
Romans 6:23

To all those who believe in Jesus, who believe that he died in our place, who receive him as their Saviour (saving them from eternal separation from God and eternal punishment for sin in hell ) to them, he gave the right to become sons of God.

This wonderful promise is available to you now.

All it requires is a decision asking him into your life as Lord and Saviour.
You can do that today, by praying a simple prayer like below and genuinely meaning it from your heart.

Dear Lord Jesus,
I am sorry for my life of sin and I repent and ask your forgiveness for my life apart from you. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross to take the punishment I deserve. Thank you for dying for me. Thank you for the gift of eternal life and of a new life here on this earth. I ask you to come into my life and restore my inner spiritual man. Thank you God for forgiving me. I thank you that there is now nothing separating me from you. I am now a child of the living God. Thank you Jesus. 

If you have said that prayer sincerely, you are now a child of God and God is your Father.

The Bible says you are now born again in the sense that God has given you a new nature, much of the old you has gone, and a new you has begun. You also have God the Holy Spirit living inside you to help guide you and help you to know and experience the love that God has for you.

To grow as a new Christian will require some help and support. Reading the Bible, especially the New Testament will help you immensely. The support you need will come through Christian friends and a good local Church that believes and teaches the whole Bible as God’s Word. I would encourage you to find a good local Christian Church as soon as you can.

God Bless you on your new found life.


There are many resources available to investigate further the life of Jesus and the validity of the claims he made. We encourage you to do the research and come to your own conclusion. Please check out the recommended resources below:

The Case For Christ – Lee Strobel

Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias

Who is Jesus? – Louie Giglio

Indescribable – Louie Giglio

Alive – Louie Giglio

Jesus is – Judah Smith
